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Programming Languages Loved, Hated and Best Paid for Developers

Here are the most popular programming languages and what developers can expect to gain by mastering them.

The Stack Overflow Knowledge Sharing Site has released its annual 2019 Developer Survey, which reveals the most popular and highest-paying programming languages in the world and the United States.

If you're a programmer loving Rust, Python, and TypeScript, you're not alone, according to Stack Overflow's 2019 survey, which surveyed 90,000 developers around the world on their favorite, least-favored, and favorite languages.

The youngest languages are popular
The 10 preferred languages are Rust, Python, Microsoft TypeScript, Kotlin, WebAssembly, Swift, Clojure, Elixir, Go, and C #. These languages all have in common that they have been created in the last 10 years or so, with the exception of Microsoft C # and Python.

It also seems that developers are showing little attraction for older languages. The 10 least popular development languages all appeared more than 20 years ago.

The most feared language is Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), followed by Objective-C, PHP, Erlang, Ruby, R, C ++ and Java. Python, becoming one of the most popular, is also the "most wanted" language for the third year in a row, according to the Stack Overflow study.

Other languages that developers would like to learn, but do not use yet, include JavaScript, Go, TypeScript, Kotlin, Rust, C ++, WebAssembly, and Java. According to a SlashData report, JavaScript and Java are already among the languages with the most developers in the world (11.7 and 7.6 million respectively).

The Stack Overflow survey also provides an overview of remuneration according to the development languages under control. Worldwide, Clojure is associated with the highest salaries, with an average of $ 90,000. Other languages associated with salaries over $ 70,000 include F #, Go, Scala, Elixr, Ruby, WebAssemnbly, Rust and Erlang.

The highest wages reported in the United States are far above the median overall wages for all languages included in the survey. HTML / CSS and C # are related to the lowest wages in the United States.

For Web developers, Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio Studio are the most popular development environments. Just over half of mobile developers say they use Google's Android Studio and the same proportion say they use Visual Studio Code.


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